Monday, August 13, 2007

The MUFF Report

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Monday August 13, 2007
Breaking News

Karl Rove Resigns
This just in, courtesy Raw Story:
Karl Rove will resign from his position in the Bush Administration and return to Texas Aug. 31, according to an interview published Monday with Paul Gigot, editorial page editor for The Wall Street Journal.When asked by Gigot whether he's leaving "to avoid Congressional scrutiny?" he said, "I know they'll say that. But I'm not going to stay or leave based on whether it pleases the mob." Mr. Rove, who has held a senior post in the White House since President Bush took office in January 2001, told Mr. Gigot he first floated the idea of leaving a year ago. But he delayed his departure as, first, Democrats took Congress, and then as the White House tackled debates on immigration and Iraq, he said. He said he decided to leave after White House Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten told senior aides that if they stayed past Labor Day they would be obliged to remain through the end of the president's term in January 2009.
I'm sure he's merely going to "spend more time with the family" or some shit.... Here is a guy who would hate to be frog-marched before Congress in chains. Could he be heading over to Fred Thompson's place for a "chat"?

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