Saturday, May 26, 2007

The MUFF Report

Brought to you by Inner Rhythm Studios.
Your #1 source for top quality Acid & Garageband Loops.
Royalty-Free Music Solutions

Saturday May 26, 2007
Breaking News

GALLUP: Nearly 1 in 3 Believe Bible is Literal Word of God

About one-third of the American adult population believes the Bible is the actual word of God and is to be taken literally word for word, a new Gallup poll reveals. This percentage is only slightly lower than several decades ago.

Gallup reports that the majority of those "who don't believe that the Bible is literally true believe that it is the inspired word of God but that not everything it in should be taken literally." Finally, about one in five Americans believe the Bible is merely an ancient book of "fables, legends, history, and moral precepts recorded by man."

There is also a strong relationship between education and belief in a literal Bible, Gallup explains, with such belief becoming much less prevalent as schooling continues.
Those who believe in the literal Bible amount to 31% of adult Americans. This is a decline of about 7% compared with Gallup polls taken in the 1970s and 1980s. It is strongest in the South.

Believe in the literal word of the Bible is strongest among those whose schooling stopped with high school and declines steadily with educational level, with only 20% of college graduates holding that view and 11% of those with an advanced degree.
Well, that explains everything!!!

The Daily MUFF

Friday, May 25, 2007

Acid Garageband Loops and Royalty Free Music - Flash music

russellFriday May 25, 2007 - Garageband Loops - Acid Music Loops - Royalty Free Music - Flash Loops - Guitar Loops - Hip-Hop Loops - Thats what it is all about!! Inner Rhythm Studios has a great selection. Hello again, all of you music producers. It's great to communicate with all of you on a daily basis! I just wanted to give you an update on everything. I have been working on our loop formats so that they are even more compatible with other production programs. I want to make sure that our stuff works in all formats with most of the loop music production software that is out there today. There are a ton of them! Inner Rhythm Studios loops work with almost everything. If any of you are having problems with loop compatibility, please do not hesitate to email me. I have formats for everything. My email is at the top of the page, so go for it! On the marketing tip, we are kicking ass!! For the keyword - Acid loops, IRStudios is now ranked #18 on Google. For the keyword Acid Music Loops, we are ranked #3! Wow! Hopefully these improved rankings will result in increased sales. We shall see.

On the band tip, I just want to say one thing....."CHANGE IS IN THE AIR!!!". I'm not at liberty to say what that means just yet, but it's going to be tough. There are some things going on that are out of my control(thank God). I will let you guys know after the shit has hit the fan....Stay tuned for this one!

The MUFF Report

Brought to you by Inner Rhythm Studios.
Your #1 source for top quality Acid & Garageband Loops.
Royalty-Free Music Solutions

Friday May 25, 2007
Breaking News

Congress Passes War Funding Bill

This is the hard, cold reality of governance without a veto-proof majority. The Dems raised minimum wage and secured $20 billion for domestic programs, as well as set benchmarks for the Iraqi govt. receiving US aid money. Don't forget the hearings and investigations of corrupt and illegal actions, either. The attack ads were ready to blow all weekend long, depicting Dems as not supporting the troops on Memorial Day. They've only been in charge for a few months, anyway. Let's see what happens in the days to come.

"Both houses of Congress on Thursday passed a $120 billion Iraq war budget, after Democrats reluctantly agreed to President George W. Bush's demands to strip it of troop withdrawal dates.

The Democrats had demanded troop withdrawal timetables for months, and included them in a 124 billion dollar budget vetoed by Bush earlier this month.

But they finally conceded to political reality, as despite controlling both chambers of Congress, they lack the two-thirds majority needed to block a presidential veto. Read the full article HERE

The Daily MUFF

Kowabanga dude!! I'm hangin' 10 and ready to surf some tasty MUFF, awesome, totally awesome!!

I'm Out!!!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The MUFF Report

Brought to you by Inner Rhythm Studios.
Your #1 source for top quality Acid & Garageband Loops.
Royalty-Free Music Solutions

Thursday May 24, 2007
Breaking News

Bush Threatens Veto of Gas Gouging Bill
How is it that a gallon of gas is at record prices, but the cost of a barrel of crude oil is down? I know, it must be connected to those record profits oil companies are making! A bill is up for a vote in Congress that would make price gouging illegal. Unfortunately, Bush has vowed to veto it. I wonder why?
WASHINGTON (Dow Jones) -- "President Bush is likely to veto legislation that would create hefty fines and criminal penalties for gasoline price-gouging, the White House said Wednesday"The White House, in a formal statement of administration policy, said the legislation amounted to price controls that would hinder oil companies and retailers from responding to market signals, potentially worsening fuel shortages." Read the full article here.

Band Biz

This is our down time on the live music front. We should be back in the saddle by Sunday.

Political Punditry
Did I hear Ms. Goodling correctly? She admitted that Karl Rove's protege, who replaced a fired US Atty. in Arkansas, had engaged in "caging" voters, a Republican tactic of voter suppression deemed illegal, and forbidden by court order. Strange that he's in Bill and Hill's backyard, hmmmm? We have a big problem here, and if you throw in this new Executive Order, it looks very dangerous to our constitution and democracy itself.

The Daily MUFF

With so much wrong in the world, it's nice to know some things are so right on! Beers and Babes Rule!!!

Gutten Nobbin, I'm Out

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Acid Garageband Loops and Royalty Free Music - Flash music

russell Wednesday May 23, 2007 - Garageband Loops - Acid Loops - Royalty Free Music - Flash Loops - Guitar Loops - Hip-Hop Loops - Thats what it is all about!! Inner Rhythm Studios has a great selection. Hi guys. So last night we got together with my friends Smoov and J.J. JJ is one of the best male vocalists that I have ever heard. I love this guy! I've worked on a few projects with him. One of the things that I like about Jay, is that he is so easy easy to work with. For such a talented person, he really doen't have very much of an ego. You gotta love that about him. Smoov was there too, which was great. I hope JJ comes back, but you never really know with him. If he was feeling the vibe, my guess is that we will see him again. If not, then oh well. It was nice seeing him again, though. Here is a recording that we did to give you a taste of what Jay is capable of. This is really a pretty bad example of what Jay can do, because he wasnt that familiar with the song. I did give him a copy so that if he decides to come back, he will know better how to sing it.

Anyway, here it is - CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD

The MUFF Report

Brought to you by Inner Rhythm Studios.
Your #1 source for top quality Acid & Garageband Loops.
Royalty-Free Music Solutions

Wednesday May 23, 2007

Breaking News

US sends two aircraft carrier groups to the Gulf
Hey...wasn't Cheney just over there 11 days ago? This must be the surge they were talking about. If you mean preemptive invasion or or carpet-bombing an adjacent oil rich nation by surge, that is. Remember, Darth Cheney warned you. You don't know the power of the dark side. Read this article courtesy Raw Story here. Also, check this out, if you want a good laugh!

Band Biz
It was a great jam last night. We had a lot of fun with Marcos, J.J.and da hizouse! Russell posted a cut for your enjoyment below. We are lovin' the vibe gone tribal music revival.

The Daily MUFF
You may have noticed the new name. I still want you to get your recomended daily allowance of MUFF, so here you is!

I'm out, Ciao!!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The MUFF Report

Brought to you by Inner Rhythm Studios.
Your #1 source for top quality Acid & Garageband Loops.
Royalty-Free Music Solutions

Tuesday May 22, 2007

Breaking News

The latest prediction from NOAA is right in line with the rest of the global warming scenarios seemingly coming to pass. This story is courtesy of Reuters News Agency.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The 2007 Atlantic hurricane season will be active with 13 to 17 named storms, seven to 10 of which are expected to become hurricanes, the U.S. government's top climate agency predicted on Tuesday.Of the seven to 10 hurricanes forecast, three to five will be major ones of Category 3 or higher with winds over 110 miles per hour, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said in its annual forecast.. For the rest of the story click here.
Oddly enough, A large group of religious leaders of the major faiths are urging the President to adopt a much more aggressive position on combating climate change. Citing a moral and spiritual crisis, the leaders of the National Council of Churches, the Islamic Society of North America and the political arm of the Reform branch of Judaism have spearheaded the effort. Again from Reuters, read the full article here.

Band Biz

It's my pleasure to announce that we are playing at Fiorino's in Santa Rosa Saturday June 9, 2007!! We have a couple of weeks to go so I imagine we will ramp up practice to get it super-tight. Karl will make sure of that. I hope you like the new tracks we put up on both blogs. This stuff is getting crazy fresh and I can't wait to rock!

MUFF Beach Biatch

Acid Garageband Loops and Royalty Free Music - Flash music

russellTuesday May 22, 2007 - Garageband Loops - Acid Loops - Royalty Free Music - Flash Loops - Thats what it is all about!! Inner Rhythm Studios has a great selection. Good morning people. I was just checking our Google ranking for the keyword "Royalty-Free Music". It looks like Inner Rhythm Studios is ranked #141 - ouch! We aren't even on the map! Oh well, hopefully our new marketing efforts will improve our position. I've been sitting here in front of this computer for 2 months trying to figure all of this out. It has been fun, but I need to take a break, go on vacation or something.

On the cover band tip, I talked to Smoov yesterday. He said that he wanted to join our project. He has told me this before, but then flakes. It's too bad because he could contribute alot to what we are doing. He has the vocal skills for harmonies and good rhythm for synth backups. It's just trying to fit everything into his busy schedule. I hope he makes up his mind quick style, because I got a call from an old keyboard playing friend of mine yesterday. His name is Keneth Roy. Ken has produced 4 CDs of his own music. Here is a link to his stuff - - Anyway, Ken is going to come to our studio next Sunday and see if he digs the vibe. It would be so great to add keys to this project. Keyboards open a whole new dimension in what we as a cover band will be capable of pulling off. I personally would like to delve more into the R & B side of things. Get some dance funk going. I love classic and modern rock, but I also have a special place in my heart for bands like Earth, Wind, And Fire, The Gap Band, Kool and The Gang, old school groovin', you know what I mean? We need to do some rap stuff too. It's going to be awaesome! I'm out...

Monday, May 21, 2007

Acid Garageband Loops and Royalty Free Music - Flash music

Monday May 21, 2007 - Garageband Loops - Acid Loops - Royalty Free Music - Thats what it is all about!! Inner Rhythm Studios has a great selection. Alright, here are the jams from last night:
CRAZY STUDIO TAKES(CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD) - This is an idea for an original song that we are working on. I think it will be pretty cool when we get it dialed. This file is 11minutes long, so if you just want to listen to the best of it, check out the short version below.
CRAZY SHORT VERSION(CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD) - This is after working on this song for 10 minutes or so. Yeah thats right, we all have A.D.D.
FUNKY MUSIC HIGHLIGHTS(CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD) - This was just some highlights with me(Russ) playing the rhythm and singing. It's a tough song to play and sing at the same time.
JOKER(CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD) - Funny stuff with cool leads
KNOCKIN ON HEAVENS DOOR(CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD) - Further explorations into leads and stuff
ROCKIN' IN THE FREE WORLD(CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD) - We all got off on this version
YOU REALLY GOT ME NOW(CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD) - We all got off pretty good with this one....
Peace Out, Ya'll...

The MUFF Report

Brought to you by Inner Rhythm Studios.
Royalty-Free Music Solutions
Your #1 source for top quality Acid & Garageband Loops.

Monday May 21, 2007
Breaking News

ABC: Al Gore "on the attack" with new "two-fisted" book

Al Gore wrote a new book. Sounds like he's pissed off at Dubya somethin' fierce. Described as "liberal red-meat", the full article with video can be seen here at

Band Biz

Last night's practice went very well. It was a good workout, and I think we accomplished a lot. It was Russell sez there were some good recordings he wants to post later. Stay tuned for more info.

Political Punditry
This is a development in the fired US Attorneys debacle, again courtesy of The Raw Story.
"One of the nine U.S. attorneys whose firing has led to an investigation into the Justice Department alleged a government cover-up of the real reason he was ousted. John McKay, who was a U.S. Attorney in Seattle during a disputed 2004 Governor's race in Washington, said over the weekend that he may have been sacked because of insufficient pursuit of criminal charges against Democrats related to that ultra-close race." Read full article here

MUFF Angel
I think I've died and gone to heaven!


Acid Garageband Loops and Royalty Free Music - Flash music

Monday May 21, 2007 - Garageband Loops - Acid Loops - Royalty Free Music - Thats what it is all about!! Inner Rhythm Studios has a great selection. Ok gang, here is the scoop. I've been monitoring Inner Rhythm Studios progress on Google and Yahoo. We have been grinding away on our marketin efforts for 2 months now. Here are the results: For 'Garageband loops', we were ranked #37 a few days ago. Now we rank #18 on Google!! Wow! For the keyword 'Acid Loops', we ranked #25. Now we rank #22 - improving. For the keyword ' Music loops', we used to ranked #33. Now we rank #20! Wow! Inner Rhythm is still not ranking for the keywords 'Royalty-Free Music' or 'Flash Loops' , but I am working on it. Hopefully we will start seeing some results in those areas as well. Yahoo has been giving us the cold shoulder, though! I wonder why... Anyway, if we can get on the first page of search results on Google, we will be one step closer to buying that tour bus that we need. I think I am going to put a huge graphic of the Inner Rhythm logo on it! That would be cool!


Garageband Loops - Acid Loops - Royalty Free Music - Thats what it is all about!! Inner Rhythm Studios has a great selection.Hey y’all what’s happenin’? I’ve been gone for a few but don’t count Smoov out. I know it’s been a long time, I shouldn’t have left you. Without a dope beat to step to. Think of how many weak shows ya’ slept through, times up, sorry I kept you, thinkin’ a dis, contemplatin’ the mix. The rhymes from the microphone soloist, and when I’m gone I hope everybody’s living to say that the time is now and let’s make it right now. Let’s give it up for the daily bloggers, Russ and Marsh keeping it alive, always fresh and new. As for me, I am always down to make it hot. What could be finer, talk to y’all soon, Smoov out…..