Thursday, May 24, 2007

The MUFF Report

Brought to you by Inner Rhythm Studios.
Your #1 source for top quality Acid & Garageband Loops.
Royalty-Free Music Solutions

Thursday May 24, 2007
Breaking News

Bush Threatens Veto of Gas Gouging Bill
How is it that a gallon of gas is at record prices, but the cost of a barrel of crude oil is down? I know, it must be connected to those record profits oil companies are making! A bill is up for a vote in Congress that would make price gouging illegal. Unfortunately, Bush has vowed to veto it. I wonder why?
WASHINGTON (Dow Jones) -- "President Bush is likely to veto legislation that would create hefty fines and criminal penalties for gasoline price-gouging, the White House said Wednesday"The White House, in a formal statement of administration policy, said the legislation amounted to price controls that would hinder oil companies and retailers from responding to market signals, potentially worsening fuel shortages." Read the full article here.

Band Biz

This is our down time on the live music front. We should be back in the saddle by Sunday.

Political Punditry
Did I hear Ms. Goodling correctly? She admitted that Karl Rove's protege, who replaced a fired US Atty. in Arkansas, had engaged in "caging" voters, a Republican tactic of voter suppression deemed illegal, and forbidden by court order. Strange that he's in Bill and Hill's backyard, hmmmm? We have a big problem here, and if you throw in this new Executive Order, it looks very dangerous to our constitution and democracy itself.

The Daily MUFF

With so much wrong in the world, it's nice to know some things are so right on! Beers and Babes Rule!!!

Gutten Nobbin, I'm Out

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