Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Daily MUFF

Sunday May 20, 2007

The Daily MUFF

Dive into a world of insight and imagination.

Brought to you by Inner Rhythm Studios.
Royalty-Free Music Solutions
Your #1 source for top quality Acid & Garageband Loops.

Breaking News

Diamonds are Forever
If you knew me well enough, you would expect me to jump on this story. I have to summarize the situation myself, so bear with me. Apparently early humans in North America, Asia and Europe were mostly obliterated by a comet that exploded in the atmosphere approximately 12,900 years ago. Leading scientists believe large areas of icepack were melted by the intense heat. In their model, ocean levels were suddenly increased as most of the northern hemisphere was burned to a crisp by fireballs falling from the sky.Early human legends relate a Great Flood or cataclysmic situation that destroyed most of the plant and animal species known to the primitive humans who survived. Please read the full story here. I hope humankind is not so distracted by their ploys to dominate one another that they miss the opportunity to prevent a mass extinction from the heavens. It is our duty to preserve the world for future generations as best we can. I think near-earth object detection and a planetary defense against them should be one of the most important "national security" programs in all countries with the ability and technology to do so.

Band Biz

Tonight is rehearsal, so I don't have much to relate yet. Tomorrow's post should have more about upcoming shows, and hopefully, we'll have new live studio tracks for you soon.

Political Punditry

Check out this story from the Daily Kos about how Rome changed from a Republic to an Empire. It made me wonder about the state of our Republic's health and well being.


I want to dance with you...

I'm Out, Peace!

Acid Loops & Royalty Free Muisc

Saturday May 19, 2007 - Garageband Loops - Acid Loops - Royalty Free Music - Thats what it is all about!! Inner Rhythm Studios has a great selection. Ok, here is an update on our marketing efforts. As of today, Inner Rhythm Studios is ranked #25 on Google for the keyword, 'acid loops' and ranked #18 on Yahoo. Pretty good out of 2 million websites, but still - we need to be in the top 5 to stay in business. Staying in business is defined by Russell doing this full-time and not having to get a 'real job'. We also need to improve our rank for royalty free music as well. Inner Rhythm Studios ranks very low for that one. I am going to keep grinding away at this marketing stuff, though. May 25, we are doing a promotional free loop CD give away on I hope this will drive more traffic to the site. We shall see. Ok, enough of the boring stuff..

The Daily MUFF

Saturday May 19 , 2007

The Daily MUFF

Dive into a world of insight and imagination.

Brought to you by
Inner Rhythm Studios.
Audio Production Solutions
Your #1 source for top quality Acid & Garageband Loops.

Breaking EcoNews

Think Progress has a post here that may get you hot under the collar.
The deniers of global warming are still spewing disinformation and are funded by $3.43 per gallon gas.
It's like you just found out the pusher-man has been paying your family doctor and the local health dept. to convince to
you ignore every other doctor in the world who disagrees that the horrible nasty addictive shit he's selling is good for you, and then raising the price because it's "hard to get", all the while sitting on so much, it would blow your mind and make you want to...well, I think you get it.

Band Biz

Looks like June is the next show, but I'm not yet clear on the date. Stay tuned for more info. Tomorrow is a rehearsal, sans Laird. We've had a good break, so now it's back to the grind. I call it a labor of love....


Yo, yo, yo girrrrrl! Mac & cheesy, breezy fo' reezy, Meshdog is in da heezy! A shout out to all you homegirls out there. Give it up for those sistahs who are just keepin' it real!


Friday, May 18, 2007

The Daily MUFF

The Daily MUFF

Friday May 18, 2007

Dive into a world of insight and imagination.

Brought to you by
Inner Rhythm Studios.
Audio Production Solutions
Your #1 source for top quality Acid & Garageband Loops.

Band Biz

Hello loyal MUFF divers! Yes, I know you are out there in cyberspace, wondering why you haven't heard any new cuts of our live stuff. Me too. So hopefully our next substantive offering will be worth the wait. TheNHRA supershow is looming ever closer and I for one want to get in as much live play as possible before then. The process of setting up and sound-checking is an art unto itself. It is also a way we can more easily pay our studio rent. Playing out is almost a panacea for our situation. Stay tuned for more info!

MUFF Diving Expedition

You never know what you will find washed up on shore here in Northern CA. Just the other day I found myself hiking up the beach and happened to have my trusty camera on me. Now don't get me wrong, this was a fine specimen of Pacific Love Lobster. Had I a tank to keep her in, she'd still be mine. Oh well, everyone has a story about the one who got away.

Political Punditry

Wow, the level of hypocrisy is beyond belief when Neocons can fall so far from grace and get a "press pass" anyway! There are so many things to scream about, so many in fact, that I will again direct you to RAWSTORY It would be a cool thing if Gore runs again in '08. He is the man of the hour, a man of vision. Besides, he won in 2000. Seems fair.

Oh well, be well!.


Introducing Inner Rhythm Studios 4 CD/Download ULTIMATE REGGAE Loop pack for Acid & Garageband producers. This collection is packed with skanks, bubbles, Reggae beats and fills, bass lines, key leads and guitar melodies.


Thursday, May 17, 2007

Possible Harp Loop CD

On the music side of things, I've been considering producing a Harp loop CD. That would be kind of unique, don't you think? I know this lady who has been playing the Harp for years. I think Harp loops would be cool for flash design or any kind of production. Plus, I dont think there are that many Harp Loop CDs out there anyway. It might be a good seller. Yep, it sounds like I am talking myself into this. Keep an eye out for this collection.

IRStudios Releases the HIP-HOP GROOVE KIT Loop Pack for ACID & GARAGEBAND

Inner Rhythm Studios releases a 4 CD/Download Hip-Hop loop collection for Acid & Garageband. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Daily MUFF


Thursday May 17, 2007

The Daily MUFF

Dive into a world of insight and imagination.

Brought to you by
Inner Rhythm Studios.
Audio Production Solutions
Your #1 source for top quality Acid & Garageband Loops.

Breaking News

Bush dodges tough questions

Check out this report on
Really makes you think....

Band Biz

No news today. I hope Russ, Karl and Laird are having a good rest. Listen to the music, fellas!


Let's tour Brazil soon!!!


The Daily MUFF

Wednesday May 16, 2007

The Daily MUFF

Dive into a world of insight and imagination.

Brought to you by
Inner Rhythm Studios.
Audio Production Solutions
Your #1 source for top quality Acid & Garageband Loops.

Greetings MUFF divers! Here we are again with another edition of our fun and informative blog. I want to give a shout out to for hosting us and providing a larger forum to reach out and show the world our MUFF. Inner Rhythm Studios is your best resource for top quality Garageband and Acid Loops, Royalty-free Music, and now creating a community for audio/visual producers, musicians, IT pros, etc. who want to connect with us and each other in the blogosphere.

Band Biz
Last night we all decided to scrap practice and chill out. We played 3-4 songs and left before 9 pm. Rocking out 4 days in a row is a bit exhausting. Stay tuned for new studio outtakes as soon as we can post them. If you are new to our blog, please check these out. They are raw studio madness, not finished product so enter at your own peril...


Lil' Miss Muffin



4 CDs/Downloads - SMOOTH JAZZ LOOPS for ACID & Garageband. You know, it's really hard to find a loop collection like this. There just isn't that many loop libraries in the "Smooth Jazz" genre. This is a great collection! If you like this style of music, you have to listen to the samples!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

IRStudios Releases 4CD/Download Acoustic Loop Pack

Need some organic acoustic guitar to add live musicianship to your project? This is it! Endless acoustic guitar loops keep your track in the flow! From etherial ambience to groove funky, this 4 CD loop collection has it all! Acoustic Guitar Loop Pack #1 for Apple Garageband and Sony Acid production software. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

Religion - Christian Perspectives

Hello Everyone. My topic today is about religion. Perhaps it is because of the passing of Jerry Falwell (scourge of society). I was digging through some old emails that I wrote to a girlfriend of mine. This anonymous person is a Jehovah’s Witness and is tormented by guilt. I wrote her this letter a few years ago. I thought some of you might enjoy reading it, so here it is….

Dear *******,

Here are some examples of forgiveness: King David had a man killed because he wanted to have sex with his wife. God forgave him. Have you killed anyone for sex? Don't you believe that your sins pale in comparison to King David. How about Jesus? He forgave a prostitute of all of her sins. Have you screwed as many people as a prostitute? If Jesus forgave her, why wouldn't he forgive you? The bible says that Jesus died as a blood sacrifice to atone for mankind’s sins. Accept the gift that God gave you! You are already forgiven in his eyes. Stop walking around hating yourself! This is man's way, not God's! 10,000 elders could stand in front of me and tell me that I am condemned. Are they more important or carry more weight than the sacrifice of Jesus Christ who died so that my sins could be forgiven? I don't think so! Jesus was brutally butchered so that we can live free - so that we can have joy and happiness.

I know that the things that I am saying are considered heresy / apostasy. You must think about these things, though ****. I know that you don't like to think. You like to feel. This is why there is a national anthem! Music makes people feel. Many times, it is easy to control people thru feeling. No one stops to think, "hey what’s going on here?" when they are caught up in a feeling. You feel the closeness, the togetherness, the oneness of belonging to a group. It is comforting to be a part of something greater than yourself. This is how humans do things - tribes, villages, states, religions. There comes a time in life when we must think about things, or else we will just go with what is easiest - what everyone else is doing - what we have always been told to do. That is not searching for the truth. That is conforming to the social norm. What can be wrong with questioning? If the truth is the truth then it holds up to scrutiny, right? That’s what makes it the truth. We must ask ourselves a fundamental question: does God want us to walk around feeling guilty all of the time, afraid that we are going to perish at Armageddon? This is control by fear. Using the emotion/feeling of psychological fear to manipulate the mind. Does God need to manipulate thru fear? No! God is love remember? The fruits of the spirit are Love, joy, peace, goodness, kindness, faith, long suffering. I am a father. I want my children to have JOY!! Isn't God more loving and understanding than me? How much more does he want you to feel Joy?

I am afraid to send this email to you. I am afraid because I know what these words represent. Your wonderful father and brother, how could they be wrong? Rusty has no right to say these things!! Who does he think he is anyway? Maybe they weren't wrong. Everyone must find his or her own path. They walked their paths with dignity and honor. You are always trying to please everyone else, *** - your family, the congregation. You are a spirited, bright soul, ****. This is how God made you. It is difficult for you to follow in their footsteps. You are going against your natural flow. You try and try, but there is a yearning, a longing that goes unfulfilled. You read the publications, you study and attend 5 meetings a week, but something is still restless inside of you. It is not this way for everyone! The path that you walk is easier for some because it fits their disposition. Jesus said that he was the end of the Law. He said that the law would now be written in the hearts of men/women. How many publications and books do we need to serve God? You shine like the sun, ****. Your light is beginning to break through the illusion that you have found yourself in. You may brush these words off now as irrelevant, but eventually you will come to understand. It really all comes down to love or fear. Which is the stronger? Shall we live for the illuminating inspiration of Love, or shall we cringe in fear at the thought of death and destruction? How do you think Jesus would answer? He would tell us to have FAITH in his sacrifice. He would tell us that he died so that we could have joy and peace. He did not die so that we could hate ourselves! This is the GOOD NEWS!

I love you more than life itself ******. I always have and I always will. I would gladly, without hesitation die for you! I would walk through the fires of illusion and darkness just to be by your side. I would travel to the ends of the Earth to find you if you were lost. If you hate me and fear me because of the things I have said, then I will go away from you. I don't want to, though.

The Daily MUFF

Tuesday May 15, 2007

The Daily MUFF

Dive into a world of insight and imagination.

Brought to you by
Inner Rhythm Studios.
Your #1 source for Garageband & Acid Loops.

Wow man, yeah.... We had a hoot of a time at practice last night. The energy is high and the dynamics are improving. The humor is a bit extreme at times, but hey what the f*%k. If you can't take a good ribbing once in a while then you are taking yourself too seriously! I am sure our next gig will be awesome. Stay tuned for dates, times and places!


Well folks, let us mourn the passing of the Right(wing) Reverend Jerry Falwell at 73, leader of the Moral Majority. This pugnacious, intolerant individual did a lot to propagate a very socially destructive agenda since back in the Reagan days, helping to lay the groundwork for the Neocon takeover of the Republican Party, resulting in the horror that is the imbroglio in Iraq. There is a question of what will become of the Christian Conservative movement, but there is an abundance of idiots to fill the void. Let us pray the influence of religious extremism in government dies with him. Still he is a human being, and death comes to us all. Rest In Peace.

Odds & Ends

According to a "Dragon Lady" is:
  1. A powerful or domineering woman.
  2. A dangerous and seductive woman; a femme fatale.

My guess: she's both!


Production Audio

PRODUCTION AUDIO ROYALTY-FREE MUSIC(click here for more info) "Production Audio” is a collection of 28 royalty free instrumental compositions specifically written for background ambience. Each composition averages 3 minutes in length and spans a multitude of styles and genres. Styles include Jazz, Country, Orchestral, Reggae, Techno, Hip-Hop, New Age, Dance, and Light Rock.

IRStudios New Acid & Garageband Music loops

I wanted to send out this feed to let you know that Inner Rhythm Studios has a special offer going on. Currently, we are promoting our "Music Production Bundles". For only $49.99USD, you can pick up 4 great Loop CDs/Downloads for the price of 1 (we now offer all of our collections as high quality 16bit/44.1Khz downloads or you can choose to have physical CDs mailed to you). We have a great selection available! Just check out some of the bundles below. We have collections ranging from Hip-Hop, Guitar, Smooth Jazz, Reggae, World Loops, R&B, Latin and Spanish Loops, as well as many more. This is a Spring Promotion so make sure to place your order before May 31, 2007. By the way, I'm sure all of you know that our loops are compatible with Apple GARAGEBAND as well.