Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Daily MUFF

Sunday May 20, 2007

The Daily MUFF

Dive into a world of insight and imagination.

Brought to you by Inner Rhythm Studios.
Royalty-Free Music Solutions
Your #1 source for top quality Acid & Garageband Loops.

Breaking News

Diamonds are Forever
If you knew me well enough, you would expect me to jump on this story. I have to summarize the situation myself, so bear with me. Apparently early humans in North America, Asia and Europe were mostly obliterated by a comet that exploded in the atmosphere approximately 12,900 years ago. Leading scientists believe large areas of icepack were melted by the intense heat. In their model, ocean levels were suddenly increased as most of the northern hemisphere was burned to a crisp by fireballs falling from the sky.Early human legends relate a Great Flood or cataclysmic situation that destroyed most of the plant and animal species known to the primitive humans who survived. Please read the full story here. I hope humankind is not so distracted by their ploys to dominate one another that they miss the opportunity to prevent a mass extinction from the heavens. It is our duty to preserve the world for future generations as best we can. I think near-earth object detection and a planetary defense against them should be one of the most important "national security" programs in all countries with the ability and technology to do so.

Band Biz

Tonight is rehearsal, so I don't have much to relate yet. Tomorrow's post should have more about upcoming shows, and hopefully, we'll have new live studio tracks for you soon.

Political Punditry

Check out this story from the Daily Kos about how Rome changed from a Republic to an Empire. It made me wonder about the state of our Republic's health and well being.


I want to dance with you...

I'm Out, Peace!

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