Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Daily MUFF

Saturday May 19 , 2007

The Daily MUFF

Dive into a world of insight and imagination.

Brought to you by
Inner Rhythm Studios.
Audio Production Solutions
Your #1 source for top quality Acid & Garageband Loops.

Breaking EcoNews

Think Progress has a post here that may get you hot under the collar.
The deniers of global warming are still spewing disinformation and are funded by $3.43 per gallon gas.
It's like you just found out the pusher-man has been paying your family doctor and the local health dept. to convince to
you ignore every other doctor in the world who disagrees that the horrible nasty addictive shit he's selling is good for you, and then raising the price because it's "hard to get", all the while sitting on so much, it would blow your mind and make you want to...well, I think you get it.

Band Biz

Looks like June is the next show, but I'm not yet clear on the date. Stay tuned for more info. Tomorrow is a rehearsal, sans Laird. We've had a good break, so now it's back to the grind. I call it a labor of love....


Yo, yo, yo girrrrrl! Mac & cheesy, breezy fo' reezy, Meshdog is in da heezy! A shout out to all you homegirls out there. Give it up for those sistahs who are just keepin' it real!


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