Friday, August 3, 2007

The MUFF Report

Brought to you by Inner Rhythm Studios.
Your #1 source for top quality Acid & Garageband Loops.
Royalty-Free Music Solutions

Friday August 03, 2007
Breaking News

Incompetence Reigns Supreme

You know, it really is a sign of the times when foolish, incompetent assholes control the government of the most powerful nation on Earth. Although I only advocate continued employment of competent government officials, I do not support a revisionist policy which disrupts the function of essential social and defense related programs. Everyone completes everyone else, or at least we bring each other into context within the relativistic scenario we find ourselves in. The fact of the matter rests on the foundations of wisdom enshrined in the heart of compassion. Enough rambling on and on, lets sharpen the barb, if you will. These stories have reared their ugly heads and now, here they are for your perusal...

Incompetence exhibit #1: Alberto Gonzales lying under oath.

Incompetence exhibit #2: Minneapolis Bridge Disaster was preventable.

Incompetence exhibit #3: Katrina aftermath is still a disgrace.

Incompetence exhibit #4: War in Iraq now seen to reach $1 trillion dollars!

Incompetence exhibit #5: Global Warming science politicized.

We all know what's up. Be active, call your Representative for all our sakes and vote! Get out there and tell people the truth and to pay atte
ntion! Meshers OUT!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The MUFF Report

Brought to you by Inner Rhythm Studios.
Your #1 source for top quality Acid & Garageband Loops.
Royalty-Free Music Solutions

Tuesday July 31, 2007
Band Biz

Post-Traumatic Show Disorder
Good Morning fellow MUFF Divers. I have a strange story to share. Here goes...

Once upon a time in the land of NorCal, a Great Race was held. Racers from all around the realm came to compete for the Great Prize, yea they were driven... as it were. Anyway, the race was a three day event, and the second night at the campgrounds had always been a celebration of life
and the living of it on the edge, rife with revelry and song. For the last seven years, a band of minstrels had came to entertain the flock of racing fans who faithfully came to support the Great Race year after year, after year. Though the band had tried everything to maintain it's equilibrium, it's cohesion gave way to chaos. Personal problems and apathy set in. It seemed no one could help Greckels and Karhole, the remnant of this once proud band of minstrels. Then one day, as luck would have it a grand minstrel came on the scene. Due to the lack of demand for full time musicians, these sad saps worked at a local car dealership. So anyway, this guy known throughout the realm as The Brewman worked there and ended up playing his mighty git-fiddle with the merry minstrels and it was good. A few weeks later, the holder of the Sacred Bass Space was unable to perform for the full length of a practice session. Brewman, in his uncanny wisdom called forth, yea summoned the Mahameshers, Bass God of Space. So the Ancient Team wove their magic into a web so integral, the band of gay blades er, um... I mean Merry Minstrels felt that if only the Mahameshers would join them, then The Great Race would be that truly fulfilling celebration once again. Shortly after Mahameshers supplanted that other guy, the band was learning and practicing the songs with a spirit and accuracy unknown to them before. Then one day, the Greckels dropped a bomb on the scene. He had a personal issue arise and no longer could croon his tunes with these crazy bastards any more. Though saddened(hunh?) by their loss, the band continued to practice on and on and on(like Chris Marsh). The Three attained a cohesive synergy unmatched in all the realm, yet something was missing. One day an odd fellow called Friar Lairdwick met the Brewman by chance, and their mutual love of the aforementioned git-fiddle soon became obvious to them both. Lairdwick soon brought his Mystic Midi Git-Fiddle to the band's studio and, after a protracted duel with the Big Bri-guy, (a talented minstrel who'd once played with Greckels and Karhole, and also vied for the position) began to play with these crazy bastards. Soon they were playing at a local pub on a regular basis where the people loved them and danced late into the night. As the Great Race neared, Greckels suddenly, somehow achieved a reprieve and rejoined the band. The day of the Great Race arrived. Lord Marcos of Nitro and his minions set the stage and then the band of five began to play. Slowly at first, the magic swirled through the air. People started to gather around the stage and dancing and revelry ensued. But then, some knucklehead started a small brawl which brought the police. After an impassioned plea from one of the Racers, a stay of execution was granted and the band began to play again. The throng cheered and screamed as one. Still the violence erupted again and this time, the show was over. A fair maiden had an eye for the Brewman and whisked him away to the safety of her loins. The rest of the band returned to their homes except for the Mahameshers, who sat there under the stars and meditated on the emptiness of phenomena and upon attaining a subtle enlightenment, imprinted the account you read now into the akashic record for all time. He foresaw the band was entering a new phase of evolution, and that is a legend that has yet to be written.

Space Swirl
This is a crop circle with a 197 ft. diameter discovered by a pilot on July 02, 2007 in Switzerland. A Swiss govt. expert contends it is not a fake, as it's size and geometric precision alone is impossible to duplicate with any of the known methods of faux-crop circle creation. Apparently the circular paradox appeared over night. A very strange thing, indeed. Maybe someone's trying to tell us something.... Peace!!!