Friday, August 3, 2007

The MUFF Report

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Friday August 03, 2007
Breaking News

Incompetence Reigns Supreme

You know, it really is a sign of the times when foolish, incompetent assholes control the government of the most powerful nation on Earth. Although I only advocate continued employment of competent government officials, I do not support a revisionist policy which disrupts the function of essential social and defense related programs. Everyone completes everyone else, or at least we bring each other into context within the relativistic scenario we find ourselves in. The fact of the matter rests on the foundations of wisdom enshrined in the heart of compassion. Enough rambling on and on, lets sharpen the barb, if you will. These stories have reared their ugly heads and now, here they are for your perusal...

Incompetence exhibit #1: Alberto Gonzales lying under oath.

Incompetence exhibit #2: Minneapolis Bridge Disaster was preventable.

Incompetence exhibit #3: Katrina aftermath is still a disgrace.

Incompetence exhibit #4: War in Iraq now seen to reach $1 trillion dollars!

Incompetence exhibit #5: Global Warming science politicized.

We all know what's up. Be active, call your Representative for all our sakes and vote! Get out there and tell people the truth and to pay atte
ntion! Meshers OUT!

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