Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Daily MUFF

Tuesday May 15, 2007

The Daily MUFF

Dive into a world of insight and imagination.

Brought to you by
Inner Rhythm Studios.
Your #1 source for Garageband & Acid Loops.

Wow man, yeah.... We had a hoot of a time at practice last night. The energy is high and the dynamics are improving. The humor is a bit extreme at times, but hey what the f*%k. If you can't take a good ribbing once in a while then you are taking yourself too seriously! I am sure our next gig will be awesome. Stay tuned for dates, times and places!


Well folks, let us mourn the passing of the Right(wing) Reverend Jerry Falwell at 73, leader of the Moral Majority. This pugnacious, intolerant individual did a lot to propagate a very socially destructive agenda since back in the Reagan days, helping to lay the groundwork for the Neocon takeover of the Republican Party, resulting in the horror that is the imbroglio in Iraq. There is a question of what will become of the Christian Conservative movement, but there is an abundance of idiots to fill the void. Let us pray the influence of religious extremism in government dies with him. Still he is a human being, and death comes to us all. Rest In Peace.

Odds & Ends

According to Answers.com a "Dragon Lady" is:
  1. A powerful or domineering woman.
  2. A dangerous and seductive woman; a femme fatale.

My guess: she's both!


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