Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Acid Garageband Loops and Royalty Free Music - Flash music

russell Wednesday May 23, 2007 - Garageband Loops - Acid Loops - Royalty Free Music - Flash Loops - Guitar Loops - Hip-Hop Loops - Thats what it is all about!! Inner Rhythm Studios has a great selection. Hi guys. So last night we got together with my friends Smoov and J.J. JJ is one of the best male vocalists that I have ever heard. I love this guy! I've worked on a few projects with him. One of the things that I like about Jay, is that he is so easy easy to work with. For such a talented person, he really doen't have very much of an ego. You gotta love that about him. Smoov was there too, which was great. I hope JJ comes back, but you never really know with him. If he was feeling the vibe, my guess is that we will see him again. If not, then oh well. It was nice seeing him again, though. Here is a recording that we did to give you a taste of what Jay is capable of. This is really a pretty bad example of what Jay can do, because he wasnt that familiar with the song. I did give him a copy so that if he decides to come back, he will know better how to sing it.

Anyway, here it is - CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD

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