Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The MUFF Report

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Wednesday September 26, 2007
Breaking News

Pronunc-i-cator in Chief

President Bush's UN speech with the phonetic spelling of many words was posted by accident on the UN website. When questioned about the President's language skills, or lack thereof by some in the press corps, White House spokesperson Dana Perino expressed outrage at the question but declined to answer the query. Of course, the on-line "error" was soon corrected, but not without causing some chaos and laughter first. Courtesy RawStory...
US President George W. Bush says "nuke-you-lar" not "nuclear," but on Tuesday visitors to the United Nations Internet site could get a handy, abbreviated presidential pronunciation guide for other challenging words.

A quickly remedied glitch momentarily gave visitors to the UN website a version of Bush's UN General Assembly speech that included phonetic spellings for world leaders, a former Soviet satellite, and at least one capital.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy is "sar-KO-zee." Mauritania should be said "moor-EH-tain-ee-a." Kyrgyzstan sounds like "KEYR-geez-stan." And the capital of Zimbabwe President Robert "moo-GAH-bee" Mugabe is Harare "hah-RAR-ray."

White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said such phonetic guidance is common but curtly rebuffed a questioner who wanted to know whether Bush has a hard time with certain names: "I think that's a offensive question. I'm going to just decline to comment on it."

"I don't know how the draft of the speech -- it was not final -- was posted, but it was, and it was taken down. There's really nothing more to say about it," she told reporters.

Ironically, one of the hardest names to pronounce, that of Myanmar democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi, was not written out in phonetic form, and Bush only briefly stumbled over it before getting it right.

Bush Picks Hillary to Win Nomination
In his Infinite Wisdom, Duh Prez'dint has "picked a winner", so to speak. This story is ala Drudge Report.
Bill Sammon in the bombshell book, EVANGELICAL PRESIDENT, set for release Monday. “And therefore the person with the national presence, who has got the ability to raise enough money to sustain an effort in a multiplicity of sites, has got a good chance to be nominated.”

Breaking his vow not to play “pundit-in-chief” in the 2008 presidential race, Bush tells Sammon that Clinton ultimately will be defeated in the general election by the Republican nominee.

“I think our candidate can beat her, but it's going to be a tough race,” the president predicted in an Oval Office interview. “I will work to see to it that a Republican wins, and therefore don't accept the premise that a Democrat will win. I truly think the Republicans will hold the White House.


Current and former Bush advisers sounded less certain. “It's going to be a very close election,” said Karl Rove, who until this month was the president's top political strategist. “We are at this very narrow divide in politics.

The election “could go either way,” Vice President Cheney told Sammon, senior White House correspondent for the WASHINGTON EXAMINER, which will begin running excerpts from the book Monday. “Right now, we're sort of in the area where we're pretty evenly balanced on both sides

As for Obama, a senior White House official said the freshman senator from Illinois was “capable” of the intellectual rigor needed to win the presidency but instead relies too heavily on his easy charm.

“It's sort of like, 'that's all I need to get by,' which bespeaks sort of a condescending attitude towards the voters,” said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity. “And a laziness, an intellectual laziness.”

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