Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The MUFF Report

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Wednesday July 04, 2007
Breaking News

Scooter Independence Day

Happy 231st Birthday America! We have, it seems, been liberated from all those constitutional rights our country was founded on. The Paris Hiltons and Scooter Libbys of the world are free also and apparently answer to a different set of rules than the rest of us. DoJ protocols were discarded for Scooter's sake, and the judge and prosecutor weren't even consulted. Now it looks like Darth had a say in the decision to commute his #1 guy's sentence. Quasi-executive privilege? Check this one out, courtesy RawStory.

In a White House press conference on Tuesday morning, White House Press Secretary Tony Snow appeared to suggest that Vice President Dick Cheney's views may have been considered by President George W. Bush as he deliberated on whether to commute or pardon the conviction of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby.

"Everybody had an opportunity to share their views," Snow said in the Tuesday morning press conference.

Snow later clouded up his statement that the Vice President had been involved in the deliberations.

"I'm sure that the Vice President may have expressed an opinion," Snow said, then adding. "He may have recused himself, I honestly don't know."

But Snow insisted that the commutation of Libby's sentence was not a 'personal favor' to Cheney.

"The president does not look upon this as granting a favor to anyone," he asserted. "To do that is to misconstrue the nature of the deliberations."

Yeah, I'm sure it was a carefully made, de-libby-erate decision considering how tough the sentence was. I'm con-vinced that no one feared what he might say if he were to do any time for his crime. The Senate should investigate this kind of thing. Let's hope so.

Take Two?

This just in... Laura Bush seen revealing her true face when asked about her supposed estrangement from her husband as of late. A video camera malfunction allowed a reporter to capture this image. Now do you understand why Duhbya and Condie have been allegedly getting it on! What's a playa ta do? Destroying the constitution and Iraq is "Hard Work", so give the poor guy some slack. Heck of a job Bushie, heck of a job!

Band Biz

No practice tonight, too many fireworks, picnics, etc. I hope everyone has a great Independence Day and keeps the faith of democracy alive. We have to keep ourselves vigilant of oppression and defend our Republic against all enemies both foreign and domestic.

Meshers OUT!!!

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