Thursday, July 5, 2007

The MUFF Report

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Thursday July 05, 2007

Breaking News

The Natives are Restless

Well, it seems as if the vox populi is in effect right here in Cal-i-for-ni-a. Here is another great article from RawStory.
A group of progressive and Democratic activists in California will be using the July 4 holiday to inaugurate a nerve center that will work to bring more Congress members around to supporting the impeachment of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. The Impeachment Center's opening comes as one House Democrat took aim at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's statement that impeachment remained 'off the table.

Wednesday afternoon in Los Angeles, members of local Green and Progressive Democratic party organizations will be joined by Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) to inaugurate an 'Impeachment Center.' The Center will serve as "a [Los Angeles] countywide resource for advancing the impeachment of George W. Bush & Richard Cheney," with "phonebanking, letterwriting and other Impeachment related resources available for distribution." The facility will be open on a weekly basis.

The launch of the Impeachment Center comes on the heels of the commutation of the sentence of convicted former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby. Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-IL) is the latest House member to contemplate impeachment, and has taken aim at one of his party's top leader's unwillingness to consider the possibility.
Here's one top Dem who is asking hard questions, let's give it up for Chairman Conyers! Courtesy Think Progress:

Conyers to hold hearing on executive clemency
The House Judiciary Committee, “upset after Bush’s decision to grant clemency to I. Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby,” will hold a hearing on July 11 to examine presidential clemency power. From a statement issued by Conyers’s office:
In light of Monday’s announcement by the president that he was commuting the prison sentence for Scooter Libby, it is imperative that Congress look into presidential authority to grant clemency, and how such power may be abused. Taken to its extreme, the use of such authority could completely circumvent the law enforcement process and prevent credible efforts to investigate wrongdoing in the executive branch.

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