Thursday, July 19, 2007

The MUFF Report

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Thursday July 19, 2007
Breaking News

"Steam Pipe" blast triggers panic in NYC

Courtesy RawStory: A steam pipeline exploded in Manhattan on Wednesday in a shower of hot vapour, mud and rock, sparking panic among evening rush hour commuters and rekindling memories of the September 11 attacks among jittery New Yorkers. The explosion, which left a crater in the middle of the street, sent clouds of steam, mud and rocks several stories into the air and left buildings in the area shaking while a lingering rumble could be heard several blocks away.

Although police were quick to say there was nothing to indicate the explosion near Grand Central station was terrorist related, for some New Yorkers, the incident immediately revived memories of the September 11 attacks of 200
1. "Everything shook, there was a big explosion," said Lilian Crespo, 33. "It was horrible." "I heard a huge vibration and we were evacuated from the building, everybody was panicking," added another witness, Henry Galarza.

Several blocks of Lexington Avenue outside Grand Central Terminal near the iconic art deco Chrysler building remained shut off into the evening. The explosion occurred just before 6:00 pm (2200 GMT) and sent crowds of people heading north from the area, many of them running. Some had their shoes come off because they were running so fast. A spokesman for electrical supplier Con Edison said the company was testing the air for asbestos as a precaution.

Well, I'm guessing the air is at least as safe as after 9/11. Oh yeah, that didn't work out so well, huh? Update: They did find asbestos, but say it poses no threat.... Go see Sicko. It will open your eyes to a very real problem we face as a society. Pretty sad that our infrastructure, health care and education are so neglected while we waste money on so many other stupid, violent things. Peace!

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