Friday, July 27, 2007

The MUFF Report

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Thursday July 26, 2007

Breaking News

Gonzo à gogo
This just in, courtesy RawStory...
"Four Senate Democrats called on the Justice Department's Solicitor General to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate whether or not Attorney General Alberto Gonzales committed perjury in Congressional testimony on the Bush administration's domestic spying program.

Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) harshly criticized the Attorney General in the Thursday Capitol Hill press conference.

"His inability to answer simple and straight forward questions was just stunning," Schumer said. "His instinct is not to tell the truth, but to dissemble and deceive."

Well, the truth has a way of making itself known. When the nation's top prosecutor is the target of an investigation, who will prosecute him? Sounds like a special prosecutor is in order. If Pat Fitzgerald is too liberal for you, then how about Bob Barr? Check out the full article here.

And Turd Blossom, Too?
Wow, looks like The Brain is getting some well deserved heat in the seat. Again RawStory to the rescue...
" Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy announced Thursday he had subpoenaed White House adviser Karl Rove and his deputy accusing them of stonewalling a widening probe into the firing of federal prosecutors.

"The Bush-Cheney White House continues to place great strains on our constitutional system of checks and balances," Leahy said in issuing the subpoenas. "Not since the darkest days of the Nixon Administration have we seen efforts to corrupt federal law enforcement for partisan political gain and such efforts to avoid accountability.".

"We have now reached a point where the accumulated evidence shows that political considerations factored into the unprecedented firing of at least nine United States Attorneys last year," Leahy said, according to The Associated Press."
The Heat is on, so gets to cookin'!!! Inherent Contempt of Congress allows for a simple solution to these complex issues so please call or email your Representatives in DC.

Peace, Meshers OUT!

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