Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The MUFF Report

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Wednesday July 25, 2007

Breaking News

Gonzo was at it again, testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee, either lying through his teeth or obfuscating at every turn. Today's spectacle seems to me a classic bait and switch if you will. It's as if Karl Rove is the puppetmaster and Gonzo is Pinocchio or as we sardonic bastards are apt to say, Gonznocchio. Yes, go after the puppet, ignore the puppeteers. Even Republican Arlen Specter railed on the administration and him, personally. He more than deserved it and should be removed from office. Call, email or otherwise contact your Congressperson and both Senators ASAP!

Judicial Jeopardy
This just in, courtesy RawStory...
"Capitol Hill's leading daily seems to have it in for Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Today's headline from yesterday's hearings? Gonzales Digs Deeper Hole. After finishing up his latest round of testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Gonzales may have more than his credibility to lose. Wednesday's (paid-restricted) Roll Call reports the AG "may have put himself in legal jeopardy" as senators from both parties cast doubt on the veracity of his testimony. Republican Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) put it bluntly: "I do not find your testimony credible." He reminded Gonzales that the entire committee would review his testimony, in an apparent threat of legal consequences for lying to Congress."
Read the full article here.

He seems young to be using the old Reagan Defense: "I don't recall, uh that is, exactly, uh..." but then again, considering the stellar record of Bush's cabinet appointees... Well, thats a wrap, I'm OUT!!!

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