Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The MUFF Report

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Tuesday September 18, 2007
Breaking News

Go, Go Greenspan!!!

Former Head Fed Alan Greenspan has dropped a bomb upon the Repugna-cant Party in his new book, The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World.

The lifelong conservative reveals his personal, if redacted opinions and recollections about former presidents he's served under, the Iraq War, the housing bubble, irresponsible spending and power-mongering by the GOP-led congress leading to, in his own opinion, a deserved ouster last November, and an admission that the real motive in going to war was control of the Iraqi oil supply, just to point out a few highlights.

He has since tried to distance himself from an outright accusation of Bush's complicity, but does not reverse his opinion, and has decried as "unfair" liberal bloggers using his words to support the contention that GWB and Co. lied about the reasons for the invasion.

He also warns of a future shift from dollars to euros as the "reserve currency of choice." A devaluation of American currency of this magnitude would cripple the nation, resulting in a breakdown of the basic services that we, as a society, have come to rely on. His predictions are dire and the solutions are not simple.

The rats are jumping ship again, it would seem. Why this guy would wait to tell us this relevant information until after he stepped down seems disingenuous at best. Oh well, at least they cut the prime rate so we can go deeper in debt!!! Meshers OUT!!!

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