Saturday, September 15, 2007

The MUFF Report

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Saturday September 15, 2007
Breaking News

Vag-i-terian Rice and Bean Butt-rito with Hypocrite Sauce!

Wow, the depth of hypocrisy within the Repugna-can Party is reaching new lows. Case in point, take Ms.Condi Rice. Two articles I just read on elucidate the stark divide...

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice co-owned a home and shared a line of credit with another woman, according to Washington Post diplomatic correspondent Glenn Kessler, who reveals the information in his new book, The Confidante: Condoleezza Rice and the Creation of the Bush Legacy.

Kessler discussed the revelations with talk-show host and gay author Michaelangelo Signorile Friday on his Sirius Radio show.

According to the book, Rice owns a home together with Ms. Randy Bean, a documentary filmmaker who once worked with Bill Moyers. Kessler made the discovery by looking through real estate records.

Bean explained the joint ownership and line of credit to Kessler by saying she had medical bills which left her financially drained and Rice helped her by co-purchasing the house along with a third person, Coit Blacker, a Stanford professor who is openly gay.

Blacker later sold his line of credit to Rice and Bean.

When asked about the revelations on Signorile's show, Kessler "said he did not know if this meant there was something more to the relationship between the woman beyond a friendship."

Rice faced attacks from liberals in the gay community over the State Department's reluctance to rebuke Iran for the hanging of gay teenagers. The gay rights lobby Human Rights Campaign called on Rice in 2005 to condemn Iran's human rights abuses after the hanging of two gay teenagers, and to express indignation over "other horrific human rights abuses against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people across the globe."

Rice did not.

Signorile excerpted a brief quote from Kessler's book on his blog.

"After she became secretary of state, she came to a party at Blacker's house, kicked off her shoes, and began dancing through the night to rock and and roll," Kessler wrote. "Blacker, who is gay, wanted to show his partner how tight her behind is; he postulated that if he aimed a quarter at her butt, it would bounce off like a rocket. He was right. Rice, who was dancing, didn't realize what he had done until everyone began laughing hysterically. She was flattered -- and proud."

Secretary Rice has typified the juxtaposition that many Republicans have between their public and private lives," Hudson said. "Privately, she is very supportive of gays. "Condoleeza Rice may or may not be gay but she is in a relationship which legitimately raises these kinds of questions. Before he took office, the president and first lady had close relationships with a number of gay men, including Charles Francis, whose brother managed Bush's reelection campaign for Texas governor."

Now contrast this article with the previous one, and you will see the horrific double standard perpetrated by the Religious Reich-Wing....
WASHINGTON (AFP) - Religious freedom conditions have worsened in insurgency-wracked Iraq as well as Egypt, while communist China has embarked on a crackdown on foreign missionaries ahead of the Olympics, the US government warned in a report Friday.

The State Department's annual report on religious freedoms around the world also noted "continued deterioration of the extremely poor status of respect for religious freedom" in Iran and highlighted "serious problems" in Pakistan.

Religious freedom is "integral to our efforts to combat the ideology of hatred and religious intolerance that fuels global terrorism," said Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as she launched the 800-page report in Washington.

"Many individuals from various religious groups were targeted because of their religious identity or their secular leanings," it said of the situation in Iraq where US troops are facing an uphill battle to restore order.

In Egypt, a key US ally, respect for religious freedom has "declined," the report said, citing particularly a court ruling this year that reinstated a policy not to provide a legal means for converts from Islam to Christianity to amend their civil records.

The report also highlighted religious repression in China, which reportedly expelled more than 100 foreign missionaries in the spring of 2007 in what some groups alleged was a "government-initiated" campaign to tighten control on Christian house churches ahead of the Olympics next year.

The "Report on International Religious Freedom," transmitted to Congress Friday, is a precursor to the announcement each year of a blacklist of countries "of particular concern" that are subject to US sanctions for religious repression.

Iran headed last year's list alongside China, Eritrea, Myanmar, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Uzbekistan.
So in closing, the hypocrisy reeks to hell and these two-faced, closeted creeps pander to the "vote values" crowd while indulging in the very vices they legislate against. You know, one of these days I hope every one of these cock-suckers get caught! Meshers OUT!!!

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