Thursday, September 13, 2007

The MUFF Report

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Thursday September 13, 2007
Breaking News

The "Official" Explanation
Isn't it strange how there's an "official" explanation for every odd occurrence or seemingly evil government conspiracy? Lone and wacky gunmen like Lee Harvey and his magic bullet, those damn weather balloons, Gulf o' Tonkin, Remember the Maine, Pearl Harbor, who coulda knew, just to name a few. Well here we go again, courtesy RawStory....
Shortly before 10 am on the morning of September 11, 2001, amid rumors of a fourth hijacked plane headed for Washington, DC, a mystery aircraft appeared in restricted airspace over the White House. There has never been an official explanation for this incident, which has provided abundant fuel for 9/11 conspiracy theories.

CNN has now learned from two government sources that the mystery plane was a military aircraft and has determined that the blurry image on video appears to match photos of the Air Force's E-4B (discussed here on Wikipedia), a specially modified Boeing 747 with a communications pod behind the cockpit.

"The E-4B is a state of the art flying command post," CNN explained, "built and equipped for one reason -- to keep the government running no matter what, even in the event of a nuclear war, the reason it was nicknamed the 'doomsday plane' during the Cold War."

CNN acknowledges that, despite its identification, the absence of the aircraft from official investigations, together with the Pentagon's denial that it was a military plane and the insistence by the Pentagon, Secret Service, and FAA that they have no explanation for the incident, may continue to raise suspicions.

Not to mention the statistical likelihood of three buildings falling in their footprint, one of which wasn't even hit by a plane! Jet fuel, give me a break! PNAC wrote a few years prior that a "Pearl Harbor-like" event was needed to galvanize the American people, and voila there you have it. Meshers OUT!!!!

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