Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The MUFF Report

Brought to you by Inner Rhythm Studios.
Your #1 source for top quality Acid & Garageband Loops.
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Tuesday September 11, 2007
Breaking News

9/11, Six Years Later

Where are we as a nation six years after the tragedy of that fateful September day? Are our ports and borders more secure? Have we forged alliances and maintained the good-will of the people of the world? Have we done anything to divest from middle-eastern oil or develop new strategies and technology to deliver clean, domestically produced energy and transportation? Has anyone seen Bin Laden, other than in these periodic prerecorded appearances? Has there been any serious, independent inquiry into what really happened that day? The answer is NO. No, no, no...oh no, wouldn't be prudent at this junc-ture. Wake up America!

Massive Ice Melting at Unprecedented Rate
This article at ABC.com tells me that something is about to go down...

An area of Arctic sea ice the size of Florida has melted away in just the last six days as melting at the top of the planet continues at a record rate.

2007 has already broken the record for the lowest amount of sea ice ever recorded, say scientists, smashing the old record set in 2005.

This is baaad news the way I see it. Meshers OUT!!!!!

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