Sunday, October 14, 2007

The MUFF Report

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Sunday October 14, 2007
Breaking News
Pelosi Draws a Line in the Sand(box)...
Speaker Pelosi has "come out swinging" against allegations that Congress is "kissing up" to GWB & Co. No one really thinks that, do they? I mean, what would give you that idea? Obviously the Madam Speaker is using this opportunity to spin, I, er, I mean clarify her position on the whole Iran thing. Courtesy Reuters via Raw Story.

Pelosi: Bush "must come to Congress" before attacking Iran

David Edwards and Greg Wasserstrom
Published: Sunday October 14, 2007

In an interview on ABC's This Week, Speaker Pelosi tells George Stephanopoulos that President Bush must get the approval of Congress before proceeding with an attack on Iran.

Just this week, the Senate passed a non-binding resolution designating Iran's Republican Guard as a terrorist organization in a move many observers fear will give President Bush the authority he needs to attack Iran. Pelosi disagrees, and doesn't plan on bringing up such a measure in the house.

"We don't believe that any of the authority the President has would allow him to go in without an act of Congress," she said, adding that the War Powers Act of the 1970s gives any president the power to retaliate against a country that has attacked the US. "But short of that," Pelosi said, "he must come to the Congress."

When asked about the Senate vote, Pelosi noted that it is unprecendented to declare a piece of another country's military a terrorist organization. She said, "Whatever Iran's impact is on our troops in Iraq should be dealt with in Iraq."

Reuters has the full story

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