Friday, June 8, 2007

Acid Garageband Loops and Royalty Free Music - Flash music

Friday June 8, 2007 - Garageband Loops - Acid Music Loops - Royalty Free Music - Flash Loops - Guitar Loops - Hip-Hop Loops - Thats what it is all about!! Inner Rhythm Studios has a great selection. Ok gang. I'm back. Here's what's up... I joined ASCAP today. ASCAP is a non-profit organization responsible for collecting royalty payments for musical artists. Inner Rhythm Studios has many projects that are on-going and an entire library of music that has yet to be released. So if any of you people need custom tracks, please let us know. We have a killer selection of just about every style. If you guys would like to check out one of our latest projects go to - - This is an R&B CD that we finished a few months ago. Smoov and I are trying to promote it all over the internet. JJ sings his heart out on these tracks. We are also looking at releasing M.L.V. for commercial licensing. We are going to go with Pump Audio is a very straight forward site that reviews submissions to include in their catalog(hardrive) that they 'pump'. It's an interesting concept. Composers can make some real money for usuage in commercials with name brand comapanies like Coke, Kodak, MTV, NBC, stuff like that. Lord knows, it's almost impossible for musicians to make a living. There is an old joke....How do you get a musician off of your porch? - - - .....Pay him for the pizza!! All kidding aside, This is what Inner Rhythm Studios is all about. Making $$$ for the artist. I think Pump is just another income stream that will payoff. We shall see. I need to get the guys to sign the contracts, though. And that is a daunting task in and of itself. Anyway, I guess we need to make some more loops, huh? Well, I hope to be in studio more this month. I need to get ahold of my Harp player. I want to do that loop cd for sure. Peace all.

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