Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The MUFF Report

Tuesday June 05, 2007
The MUFF Report
Dive into a world of insight and imagination.

Brought to you by Inner Rhythm Studios.
Royalty-Free Music Solutions
Your #1 source for top quality Acid & Garageband Loops.

Good morning everyone! I hope your weekend was wonderful and exciting. I have been feeling a bit under the weather the last couple of days, but now I’m back in the saddle again! Lots of stuff has happened so let’s break it down. A few subtle changes are in store for the blog’s format and content, but as always, here is the news.

Breaking News
Scooter Watch 2007

The verdict’s in and it’s official. Scooter Libby, the lying traitorous Neocon warmonger has been sentenced to 30 months in prison and a $250,000 fine. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving ass-munch than this idiot.

The Democratic Debate

The Democratic Party had a televised debate on CNN Sunday night, hosted by Wolf Blitzer. It seemed to me that the time allotments were disproportional in favor of top tier candidates. The whole thing was pretty lame. No hard questions, no definitive winner, albeit Edwards was pretty impressive, and the desperation and calculated responses made me ill.Still I’d vote Dem just to ensure no Repugs get the Presidency in ’08.It seems big $$$ interests are always in control of things in DC. I hope we vote ourselves out of this mess.
The stakes are way too high to sit on one’s ass. VOTE!!!!!!

CIA running black propaganda operation
against Iran, Syria and Lebanon, officials say

The Raw Story’s Larisa Alexandrovna reports that the CIA and Pentagon seem to be conductingsome quasi-illegal actions deep in Black Ops Territory. Does Iran-Contra ring any bells? Helloooooo, wtf is going on?This is our tax dollars hard at work, hunh? Give me break.

The Central Intelligence Agency has received approval at least twice in the last several years to conduct an “information war” against several countries in the Middle East, including Iran, Lebanon and Syria, according to current and former intelligence officials In addition, the Bush Administration has been running operations out of the Defense Department that are not subject to Congressional oversight, intelligence sources say.These programs appear murkier, and have included support for an alleged terrorist group in Iran.A recent ABC News report revealed that President George W. Bush had signed a presidential finding giving the CIA the authority to conduct “non-lethal” covert operations against Iran. Former and current intelligence sources tell RAW STORY, however, that there have been “at least two” presidential findings over the past few years which have empowered the agency to run an “open-secret” information war against Iranian interests, mainly leveraging resources and assets “within the United States and France.”

Fox analyst: 'Space aliens kidnapped president' and 'left this tool'

When you see a story like this on Fox News, it’s like hearing
The Twilight Zone theme music in your head!!!

From RAW STORY: On Monday, Fox News covered Vladimir Putin's threat that if the US government goes ahead with setting up a missile defense shield in Eastern Europe, Russia will target its own missiles at European targets. The discussion led to an unlikely reversal of political positions, with conservative Fox political analyst Tammy Bruce describing the situation as "another glaring example of the growing incompetency of the Bush administration and his foreign policy," while Democratic strategist Bob Beckel concluded that "I support Bush on this ... and it's a strange day when I do that." Bruce began by defending Putin and asked how we in the US would feel if Russian missiles were sited in Cuba or Honduras. She pointed out that the US missiles in the Czech Republic and Poland are supposedly intended to guard against the threat of potential Iranian long-range missiles, even though those missiles don't yet exist and we've said we're not going to allow Iran to develop them. She then blew up about immigration and Iraq as well, saying, "I'm waiting to find the space aliens that kidnapped the president that I grew to admire after September 11 and left this tool behind. ... I'm furious."

Band Biz
To Infineon and Beyond

Sunday night we jammed for our good friend and promoter Marcos and a cool, if opinionated passer-by named Kelly. We played some jammin’ tunes for them, and later worked out some of the logistics for our 06/09/07 gig at Fiorino’s. We want everyone who can attend our live show to come on down and boogie. If you make it to the show and ask for Meshers, I will give you a 20% discount on your next purchase of any of our production bundles. The show is going to be a hot time in old Rincon Valley! There is an opening band, blues I think, and then it’s time to get the party on with your friendly neighborhood cover band. Yeah baby, it’s us on the stage rockin’ in the free world!!!!!!

The Daily MUFF

Special Report

There has been a concern that my daily enshrinement of hotties with nice bodies might offend someone out there in the world. It did. So now, as all things change and grow, this post will now adapt to the reality that you can’t please all the people all of the time, and chill with the pin-up art. If you want to email us and tell us that you truly love the hotties, then I might bring them back occasionally to heat things up. Now this column will focus on inspirational thoughts and ideas, my own artwork and other cool stuff for your enjoyment. Good luck producing.

Meshers OUT!!!

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