Saturday, June 9, 2007

The MUFF Report

Saturday June 09, 2007
The MUFF Report

Dive into a world of insight and imagination.

Brought to you by Inner Rhythm Studios.

Royalty-Free Music Solutions
Your #1 source for top quality Acid & Garageband Loops.

Breaking News
The end of the plug? Scientists invent wireless device that beams electricity through your home

This is an excerpt from The Daily Mail.
"In a breakthrough that sounds like something out of Star Trek, scientists have discovered a way of 'beaming' power into a light bulb, mobile phone or laptop computer without wires. MIT researchers said Thursday they will soon be able to charge a computer or cell-phone battery from across a room, perhaps making the annoyance of wires or dead batteries a thing of the past The team at MIT, a top US academic laboratory, has shown their fledgling "WiTricity" technology can power a 60 watt bulb from a power source two meters (seven feet) away Scientists have known for nearly two centuries that it is possible to transfer an electrical current from one coil of wire to another without them touching..The phenomenon, called electromagnetic induction, is used in power transformers and electric motors around the world Rather than sending power from a transmitter to a receiver as a conventional electromagnetic wave - the same form of radiation as light, radio waves and microwaves - he could use the transmitter to fill a room with a 'non-radiative' electromagnetic field.Most objects in the room - such as people, desks and carpets - would be unaffected by the electromagnetic field. But any objects designed to resonate with the electromagnetic field would absorb the energy."

There is something fishy here. Could the EM field disrupt biological processes in an unknown way? How much would it cost to retrofit all the devices we use everyday? Can I use it to rock? Just asking some simple questions here...
US immigration bill trounced
A deal on granting legal status to 12 million illegal immigrants collapsed amid partisan rancor in the US Senate on Thursday, dealing a sharp blow to President George W. Bush. Republicans complained his maneuver would not allow them enough time to offer amendments to the legislation, a key second term priority for Bush. Democrats however accused some Republicans of offering repeated "killer amendments" in an effort to make the bill collapse. This bill is garbage. Pure politics, pure bulls*&#!!! Good riddance to bad rubbish, I always say..
Band Biz
Tonight is the Fiorino's show. We begin around 10 pm Saturday June 09, 2007 and play until ???I am looking forward to seeing everyone and rockin' out, yo! Remember to ask for Meshers and get 20% off the price of any production bundle! Get down and boogie with us in Santa Rosa tonight, we'll have a good ol' time.

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