Monday, June 11, 2007

The MUFF Report

The MUFF Report
Dive into a world of insight and imagination.

Brought to you by Inner Rhythm Studios.
Your #1 source for top quality Acid & Garageband Loops.

Royalty-Free Music Solutions

Monday June 11, 2007
Band Biz

The show was incredible!!! We all had so much fun playing for the throng of writhing peeps undulating to our grooves that we have decided to gig again soon. We also managed to generate some revenue to help with our studio rent. The crowd response was phenomenal and our sound, dynamic. We teetered on the periphery of greatness itself! This posting is coming a little late, so enjoy Brewmanchu's audio offering and check out the show for yourself.

Duh Gubbament

Well, I think we got some issues to look at as a nation. Most of us want border security, affordable health care that works, jobs that pay a living wage, an educational system that really produces results, and that we have a world worth living in today and for future generations to come. Why can't we the people vote our vision into being? Who best represents the values and socio-economic interests that would bring about our greatest good? Vote for a Change!

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