Thursday, May 31, 2007

Acid Garageband Loops and Royalty Free Music - Flash music

Thursday May 31, 2007 - Garageband Loops - Acid Music Loops - Royalty Free Music - Flash Loops - Guitar Loops - Hip-Hop Loops - Thats what it is all about!! Inner Rhythm Studios has a great selection. Wow! Yesterday, we had a record number of visitors to Inner Rhythm Studios. We had 180 people for the day! That's the most we've ever had visit the site in one day. We are getting alot of referral traffic from We are doing a free give-away download over there and people are just visiting our site in droves. It was definitely worth doing the promotion. It's sink or swim for me right now. I'm praying that Inner Rhythm gets on that first page of search results this month. We need the sales. Anyway, I'm going to go work out. Talk to ya'll tomorrow.

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