Friday, June 1, 2007

The MUFF Report

Friday June 01, 2007

The MUFF Report
Dive into a world of insight and imagination.

Brought to you by Inner Rhythm Studios.

Royalty-Free Music Solutions
Your #1 source for top quality Acid & Garageband Loops.

Paradigm Shift Alert
It is my pleasure to relate to you the following account. Once a long time ago, I had a dream of living in a community of conscious, enlightened people, doing what I love to do most, playing music and living free! Though I have tried to do just that as an adult, my past failures to perfect the formula of success had left me exasperated at best. Sometimes it seemed as if the cosmic cards were stacked against me. My best efforts to be a good person, an ethical person, a humane individual who is compassionate of those around me was often returned with scorn and criticism much of the time. Yet tirelessly I arose anew each day with faith in myself and humankind. Please don't assume my focus on the dire events in the world are any indication of my "take" on things or that I am a pessimist. In fact, I truly believe we as a species are evolving into a galactic intelligence that will one day spread the DNA of this beautiful biosphere to the corners of the universe. It is always a concern as an artist that you will be misunderstood. I struggle with it in more than art, though. Having a political perspective that is edgy and a philosophical outlook unrecognised in one's culture can be a real challenge. Expressing oneself to a mindset so unaccustomed to truth is also a toil. I can't make anyone understand me, only do my best to be clear and receptive myself.

Band Biz
It has come to my attention that we (1320) are being rejoined by none other than Greg Eckels, our previous guitarist. I wish him a hardy hello and welcome back! Laird will still be there doin' his thang and I think we will sound better than ever. Rockin' in the Free World!!!

Political Punditry
The landscape of this election season is one of the biggest spectacles I've ever seen. Rotten Rudy and The Mittster, Freddie and maybe Newt on the right; Hil, Barry, Johnny Boy and the specter of Gore on the left. It would seem the stage is set for the ultimate crap-slinging contest. Not one of these candidates are untouched by scandalstank. Divorces, affairs, dubious voting records and ties to big business interests are just the opening act. We need to vote for change that really makes our nation and world more healthy, secure and prosperous. Vote your heart, vote for your economic best interests, vote for a safer world for our children. JUST VOTE!!!!!!!

I want to apologize if any of the pictures of hot women offend anybody, it is not my intention to do so. I just like to spice things up a bit. I won't be posting buff guys ever on this site so, sorry ladies. I would like to thank everyone out there in the blogosphere from UK and Australia, Sweden and Norway, lets not forget France, Germany, Czech Republic, Italy, Greece, Spain and Russia; not to mention Japan, South Korea, Thailand, India, Turkey and so many more! Thanks for your interest in what we do. Inner Rhythm Studios strives to bring you the best in Royalty-Free Music, Acid and Garageband Loops, Hip Hop Beats, Reggae, Jazz, and R&B Grooves, everything you need to produce your dream or project!

The Daily MUFF
Have you heard of the Black Eyed Peas? Maybe you've heard of Fergie? I wish she was our back-up singer!

Meshers OUT!!!!!

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